# Lecture 20 - networking ### SET09121 - Games Engineering
Kevin Chalmers and Sam Serrels School of Computing. Edinburgh Napier University --- # Our Goal - We want to enable our game to support multiple players from different machines. - This requires some form of communication between the different machines. - It also requires some form of coordination between the different instances of the game. - We also have to do this in real-time so that the game does not hang or become unplayable due to lag. - So how do we achieve this? --- # Questions - How does networking work? - How do we do network programming? - What are the limitations of networking? - How do we solve these limitations in games? - What data should we send in a game and how do we send it? - How can we do networking in SFML? --- ## How does networking work? --- # Hardware - We can break-down network hardware into the following: - Computers on the network. - Network interfaces on the computers. - Routers and switches that interfaces connect to. - The connection between the interfaces and the switch/router. - Each one of these works at a different level of data abstraction.  --- # The Seven Layer Model - Networking works on a layered model. - Application data at the top layer. - Electrical signals at the bottom layer. - As programmers, we rarely need to consider below level 3.  --- # Packets - Layer 7 : your browser works with HTTP. - Layer 6 : defines the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) now standard for HTTPS. - Layer 5 : defines ports (e.g. port 80 for web traffic). - Layer 4 : defines TCP -- interface between application and hardware. Breaks data sent into lots of individual packets. - Layer 3 : defines IP -- allows individual machines to be addressed. - Layer 2 : defines MAC addresses -- allows the switch to identify physical machines. - Layer 1 : actual electrical current between the switch and machine (e.g. cable or wireless). --- # Addressing and Switching - Networking works like a mail system. - Each individual packet has an address (IP address) which the switch has to look at. - The switch must work out if it can send the data directly to the addressed machine (on the local network) or where it must send it if not. - The switch has a lookup table matching the local IP addresses to MAC addresses. This is how the switch sees the world. - The more switches a packet must pass through, the more hops it makes. A packet has a maximum number of hops. If it doesn't make it it dies. - This is how the entire Internet works (on a simple-level). --- # Transport Control Protocol -- TCP - TCP provides means of breaking down data into separate packets. - Each data chunk is given a sequence number to allow the data to be reformed. - TCP guarantees acknowledgement of sent data -- this means we know that data has arrived if we don't get an error. - TCP is the most common distributed application protocol because of its guarantees. --- ## How do we do network programming? --- # Client-server Model - The most common application model in networking is the client-server. - A client connects to a server machine via some form of universal addressing. - The sever can now communicate directly with that client. - A server may have multiple clients that it is communicating with.  --- # Sockets - Applications communicate using sockets. - A socket is just an encapsulation of the following: Address : typically an IP address. Protocol : for example TCP. Port : allows an individual application to be addressed on the network. - These are provided by layers 3-5 of our model. - A socket is therefore a software abstraction that allows an application to send and receive data with other applications. - Each socket thus has both a source port and a destination port. --- # Server Socket - A server socket is a special type of socket that listens for an initial communication. - A client socket will connect to this socket initially. - Once connected, the server creates a new socket exclusively for that client connection (with an appropriate port). - The server socket can continue listening on its original socket for new incoming connections. - A server socket will be the first established socket in a distributed application. It is needed to initiate a connection. --- # Three-way Handshake - As TCP requires guaranteed connection, the client-server communication initiates what is known as a three-way handshake. - The client sends a SYN packet to the server. - The server sends a SYN+ACK packet to acknowledge. - The client sends a ACK packet to acknowledge. - Communication is now established.  --- ## What are the limitations of networking? --- # Bandwidth and Throughput - The biggest limitation on a network is its bandwidth. - The bandwidth indicates the theoretical limit that data can be sent through the network. - Typically measured in megabits (1 million bits) per second. - Most people have heard the term bandwidth, but the actual figure we are interested in is throughput. - Throughput is the **actual** amount of data that is sent between two machines. - Throughput will be lower than bandwidth due to limitations between the two machines and other factors. - Generally, throughput is too low for transferring an entire game's data in 16ms. - On a 100Mbps network that is enough time to send 2 kilobytes of data. --- # Latency - Latency (or lag) is a bigger concern in games. - Latency is the time it takes a packet to get to another machine. - You can find latency easily using ping and dividing the result by two (as ping does a round trip). - For example, as of writing I can ping Google from my office machine in about 23ms, so latency is about 12ms. - Latency is therefore going to mean any update you send between game instances will likely be at least one frame out-of-date. --- # TCP Guarantees - TCP can be a very slow protocol. - Each TCP packet must be acknowledged by the receiver. - The receiver has to rebuild the sent data from the packets. - If any packet is missing, the entire data is resent. - If an acknowledgement is not received, the sender resends the data. - So TCP guarantees come at a cost. --- ## How do we solve these limitations in games? --- # Peer-to-peer Lockstep - The original approach to solving networking for games was a peer-to-peer lockstep. - Here, each client would update it's move to the other clients. - The game would wait until everyone has updated before moving onto the next move. - It was slow as you can guess.  --- # Client-side Prediction - Nowadays games will try and predict movement. - Given that in a single "server" tick we know what the client has moved, we can interpolate the move by the next tick. - Propagate this amongst all clients and we should have a close approximation to reality. - Every so often send more complete data.  --- # User Datagram Packet -- UDP - As we are now predicting movements and locations, we can occasionally lose information without much concern. - Therefore, we do not need packet guarantees. TCP is no longer needed. - UDP is an alternate protocol which is connectionless. We just send data to a location. - The receiver will read its data packet as often as it can, and only those it receives. - Basically, we can improve performance considerably by not acknowledging data sends. --- # TCP  --- # UDP  --- # TCP  --- # Synchronous versus Asynchronous Polling - We can also change how we service connections. - Typically, we wait on a connection until data arrives. - This would impact our frame time -- we need to service the connection only when data is ready. - Asynchronous socket communication means we perform an operation whenever a communication event occurs. - This allows the game to continue on and another thread can update as needed based on communication. --- # Physics - A big problem in games actually comes from the physics system. - The physics system is keeping track of all the physical objects and their interactions. - A physics engine will typically add some randomness to reactions just to smooth out some of the operations. - We cannot have this in different clients as it would lead to different game instances having different object locations. - Solving game physics problems is a whole other area that we won't cover -- just send the complete physical data every so often to get around this. --- ## What data should we send in a game and how do we send it? --- # Initial State - When a scene is loaded or started, the client needs to know as much of the game world as possible. - This will require sending a lot of data to the clients when they start. - This is OK as the game hasn't really started for them yet. - It also allows other information such as unique content to be shared if need be (although this is slow). - Use this loading time appropriately. --- # Scene Updates - Every "server" tick you need to communicate data between the client and server. - The communication must update the server with information the client has on scene updates. - The communication must update the client with information the server has on scene updates. - Every so often, the client and server must do a more complete update to normalise their information. - Effectively, we are trying to keep the client and server as synchronised as possible without performing lockstep. --- # Object Serialization - When it comes to sending data in object-oriented languages serialization is the go-to approach. - Serialization is a technique where an object is converted into a textual or binary representation for communication and storage. - The managed languages (e.g. Java and C#) have these capabilities built in. - C++ does not, and actually it is hard to convert local memory between two machines. - Serialization is also a slow process as it has to deeply interrogate the object. - Therefore, serialization is not a good approach for games in general. --- # Designing a Protocol - A better technique is to build a protocol. - Design your message types and the data that will go into the message. - This will allow simple messaging that can be managed easily with a few case statements.  --- ## How can we do networking in SFML? SFML Networking - Networking in SFML is relatively easy. - We will use the following classes: - **TcpListener** - a listening or server socket. - **TcpSocket** - a socket to communicate via. - **UdpSocket** - a UDP socket to communicate via. - We will use the following methods: - **listen** - listen for a new connection. - **accept** - accept a new connection. - **connect** - connect to a server. - **send** - send data via a socket. - **receive** - receive data from a socket. --- # SFML Networking Server ```cpp #include
#include <SFML/Network.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace sf; int main(int argc, char **argv) { TcpListener listener; if (listener.listen(5000) != Socket::Done) { cout << "Server could not open socket" << endl; return -1; } TcpSocket client; if (listener.accept(client) != Socket::Done) { cout << "Server could not accept connection" << endl; return -1; } return 0; } ``` --- # SFML Networking Client ```cpp #include
#include <SFML/Network.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace sf; int main(int argc, char **argv) { TcpSocket socket; Socket::Status status = socket.connect("", 5000); if (status != Socket::Done) { cout << "Error - could not connect to server" << endl; return -1; } return 0; } ``` --- ## Summary --- # Summary - We have defined the issue of networking and discussed how we solve game networking issues. - We looked at networking layers and protocols. - We looked at network sockets. - We looked at the limitations of networking by analysing the common metrics. - We looked at how we overcome these limitations in games by looking at communicating patterns and UDP. - We then discussed what data to send and how by discussing protocols. - And finally we looked at how we use SFML for networking by presenting a client and server example. - This is all you need to get started with networking for games using SFML. The lab will provide a concrete application.