# Lecture 4 - System Dynamics ### SET09121 - Games Engineering
Kevin Chalmers and Sam Serrels School of Computing. Edinburgh Napier University --- # Recommended Reading Game Design Workshop. 3rd Edition. Fullerton (2014). - Read Chapter 5 on System Dynamics.  --- # Example -- Donkey Kong: what do you see?
--- # What is a System? - An example of a system is an engine. - This is why we are building an engine in the module. - An engine is a system with a particular objective. - That objective is to power some form of manual action. - We can apply our formal elements into thinking about systems.  --- # What is a System? Defining Objects **Objects** - Objects are the basic elements of a system. Consider the objects you define in object-oriented development. - A system is the interaction between a collection of objects. - For example: an engine, steering wheel, and wheels interact together to allow a car to operate. - The complexity of the underlying system is hidden behind an interface. For a car, this is the steering wheels and pedals. - Objects are defined by their properties and behaviors. - What objects can you see in other systems? --- # What is a System? Object Properties **Properties** - Properties are the attributes of the objects in a system. - From an OO point of view, properties are values stored in the object, which may themselves be objects. - Properties are the descriptive data that can be analysed, extracted or modified. - Properties are also a method to allow unique identification of individual objects. - What are the properties of objects you see in other systems? - From our rules (Formal Elements) we have extracted most of our objects and their properties. - Rules (Formal Elements) --> Objects and their Properties. --- # What is a System? Object Behaviours **Behaviours** - Behaviours are the actions that an object undertakes. - Object-orientation calls these methods. - Some of the behaviours are on the state of the object. - An engine requires fuel to be turned on. - We will look at state and state management later in the module. - Remember: our formal rules can restrict our formal procedures. - Behaviours can be complicated. - What object behaviours of objects do you see in other systems? - Rules and Procedures of Formal Elements can help us extract some of the object behaviours. - Rules and Procedures -> Behaviours (Systems) --- # What is a System? Relationships Between Objects **Relationships** - Once we have a collection of objects we can define some rudimentary systems. - Objects themselves do not form a system. Systems are relationship between the objects. - Depend on the context of use. - A car engine turns wheels. - A jet engine propels a plane. - We must determine the relationships between our objects to create a system. - A game is a system! - With a shiny graphical front end. - Remember: the graphical presentation is almost separate from the system operation. --- # Objects in games --- # Games as Systems: Objects **Objects** - Objects are the basic elements of a system. - In games the most basic of object is usually called an **Entity**. - Almost everything in a game is an object. - For example: players, opponents, environment. - As developers we must identify these objects and develop them. - Games are similar to standard applications although the object relationship are probably more dynamic. - What objects can you identify in the games you play? --- # What Objects Are Here?  --- # Games as Systems: Properties **Properties** - Define the data attached to an object. - Some common properties include: - Position. - Graphic. - A flag (bool) to indicate whether the object is alive. - A basic entity in a game can have numerous properties and sub-components. - RPG in particular has lots of properties. - We will examine how we compose objects later. - What properties can you identify in the games you play? --- # What Properties are Here?  --- # Behaviours --- # Games as Systems: Behaviours **Behaviours** - Define what our objects can do. - We are normally thinking about what can happen during the update step. - For example, when B is pressed the player should jump. - Player's actions are normally based on the controls (Procedures from Formal Elements). - Computer controlled actions are normally supplied via some form of Artificial Intelligence. - The physical objects are normally controlled by the physics system. - What behaviours do you see in the games that you play? --- # What Behaviours are Here?  --- # What Behaviours are Here?  --- **Describe your favourite game as a system.** Pick one of your favourite games and described the objects, their properties and their behaviours. Keep it abstract, but consider how you would program these. --- # Relationships --- # Games as Systems: Relationships **Relationships** - Games have complex and dynamic relationships based on the game state. - Some relationships are simple. - The game character relates to the world via a position. - Some relationships can be based on the current state. - If character is evil then guards will chase on sight. - Relationships can also be defined by the rules of the game. - Possibly the hardest concept to understand in software development. - May also cause difficulties later in development when considering optimisation. --- # What Relationships are Here?  --- # De-constructing Games --- # De-constructing Tic-Tac-Toe - A system is more than the objects that make it up. - Dynamic relationships cause unforeseen interactions and Conflict. - Small changes in object properties can have a dramatic effect. - Tic-Tac-Toe (noughts and crosses) is a simple game. - **Objects:** squares. - **Properties:** symbol within the square (`O`, `X`, or empty). - **Behaviours:** set symbol in square. - **Relationships:** based on location of matching symbols. Important considering the gameplay mechanic. --- # Tic-Tac-Toe Game States  --- # De-constructing Chess - Chess is a significantly more complex and strategic game than Tic-Tac-Toe. - From a system's point of view, chess and tic-tac-toe are very similar. - **Objects**: squares, pieces. - **Properties**: colour, rank, location of piece. - **Behaviours**: move piece. - **Relationships**: location of piece to other pieces. - Why is the outcome so different? --- # Game Flow - The key difference is the range of possibilities. - Games should offer possibility; unpredictability. - A game also needs to be simple. - Games can be defined by the flow of possibilities or structure through the game. - As stated: objects are simple; the relationships between the objects lead to the complexity. --- # Game Flow  --- # Example Systems --- # Economics - Many games have a simple economy where resources can be exchanged. - Remember that Resources are a Formal Element. - The use of currency is seen in a wide range of games: - RPGs. - Assassin's Creed series. - Batman: Arkham series. - etc. - What does an economy require from a systems point of view? --- # What systems does an Economy need?  --- # Emergent Systems - Emergent systems exhibit behavior not explicitly programmed. The behavior emerges from the rules placed on the objects. - Birds flocking is such a behavior. - Very relative to game AI. - Nature is full of such systems. - Examples include: Game of Life; Spore; The Sims (sort of).   --- # Software System - The common approach to writing software is object-orientation. - Standard model in C#, Java, and used in C++. - With object-orientation we have: - **Objects**: which are instances of classes. - **Attributes**: which are the properties of the objects. - **Methods**: which are behaviours associated with objects. --- # Software System  --- # Back to Donkey Kong
--- # System Interaction and Control - A system does not always need interaction. - A game definitely does. - Some things to consider: - What information is provided to the player about the system? - What can the player control? - How does the player control these objects? - What feedback occurs within the system? - How do these considerations affect the gameplay? - A game will require tuning and polish to get all of these correct. --- # Summary --- # Summary - From this lecture you should understand: - **Objects:** the parts that make up a system. - **Properties:** the values that define the objects of the system. - **Behaviours:** what functions does an object perform in a system. - **Relationships:** how do the objects interact with each other. - You should use these principles to try and de-construct games thatyou are familiar with. --- # Summary - **Objects** - **Properties** - **Behaviours** - **Relationships** ** This is how Object Orientation Works ** OO is a great way of describing and building systems of objects (games) However; in practice, actually programming these systems can be tricky. There are other extensions to OO that we will cover later. But designing an planning the OO way is a great way to design systems that will exist as software.