# Lecture 9 - C/C++ Memory and Resources ### SET09121 - Games Engineering
Kevin Chalmers and Sam Serrels School of Computing. Edinburgh Napier University --- # Recommended Reading - Game Coding Complete, 4th Edition. McShaffry and Graham. - Chapter 3 introduces some ideas. - Chapter 8 covers resource management.  --- # Basics of Memory --- # Different Memory Types - C++ (and applications in general) have three types of memory. - global (static) : memory where global and static values are stored. - stack : working memory. - heap (free-store) : the rest of memory. - Each has a different purpose and features. ```cpp // Allocated in global memory. int x = 10; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Allocated on the stack. int y = 20; // Allocated on the heap (free store) int *z = new int(30); return 0; } ``` --- # Scope and Stack  --- # Scope ```cpp void function(int param_scope){ // Main scope of the function int main_scope = 5; { // Scope A - can see main scope int A_scope = 10; { // Scope B - can see scope A and main int B_scope = 20; } // B_scope removed from stack { // Scope C can see scope A and main, Scope B is no longer valid int C_scope = 30; } // C_scope removed from stack } // A_scope removed from stack } // param_scope and main_scope removed from stack ``` --- # Memory Layout - Memory is obviously just one big chunk. - Addressed from `0x00000000` (0) to `0xFFFFFFFF` (4,294,967,295). - Memory is separated: stack at the top and the heap at the bottom. - The processor can optimise memory streams to improve performance (and also cache). - Jumping around the heap can be a major source of performance reduction.  --- # Memory Access Times - CPU is fast when accessing adjacent memory. - If we jump around things slow down -- sometimes dramatically. - Consider a multi-dimensional array. - The dimensions place memory in the continuous block differently. - Access time difference between approach A and C can be 100x. - i.e. accessing all members using approach A could be 300ns; approach C 30000ns. ```cpp int matrix[100][100][100]; // A matrix[0][0][0] = 0; matrix[0][0][1] = 1; // 4 byte jump. // B matrix[0][0][0] = 0; matrix[0][1][0] = 1; // 400 byte jump. // C matrix[0][0][0] = 0; matrix[1][0][0] = 1; // 40000 byte jump ``` --- # Memory Alignment - The CPU also reads memory in fixed chunks. - If a value is not aligned to these chunks, extra reads occur. - Generally, the C++ compiler will fix this for you, but you can help.  --- # Memory Restrictions You must consider the limits you have in memory. - **stack size** - depends on compiler and OS, can be set. - Windows is ~1MB. - **thread stack size** - as above, but normally smaller. - **main memory** - commonly ranges from 4GB to 16GB at present. - **virtual memory** - if main memory runs out, the (slow) HDD used. - 64bit OS can address ~16.8 million petabytes of memory. - If you are using virtual memory you are losing. --- # Caches - Different levels of cache replicate memory closer to the CPU to reduce access time. - If data is in L1 cache can be accessed in about 0.5ns; main memory about 100ns.  --- # Working with Memory in C --- # C Memory Management There are two functions of note - **malloc** - allocates space on the heap. - **free** - release space allocated. You need to release everything you allocate. ```cpp // Declare value my_data *data; // Allocate resource on the heap // Note the casting to the correct type. // Note we need the number of bytes to allocate data = (my_data*)malloc(sizeof(my_data)); ... // Do something with the data ... // Free the resource // If we don't do this and lose the pointer we get a leak free(data); ``` --- # Pointer to and Dereference Let us look at a function that takes a pointer to an `int` as an argument. `void foo(int *x)` To pass in a variable we have to get its *address* (a pointer), and pass that, rather than the actual variable ```cpp int v = 10; //declaration of value foo(&v); //pass in the address of v to foo ``` - Within the function we need to dereference the pointer to get access to the value. - `x` : within `foo` this is a pointer - *the address of* `v` - `*x` : allows access to the value stored in `x` - *the value of* `v` --- # Arrays in C - Arrays in C can be allocated on the stack or the heap. - Stack allocated arrays need a known size at compile time. - Heap allocated arrays can have any size -- we just use `malloc`. - An array is just a pointer to memory where the array starts. ```cpp // Stack allocated array // Known size at compile time int x[10]; // Heap allocated array // Size defined at run time int *y = (int*)malloc(10 * sizeof(int)); // Access is the same x[5] = 10; y[2] = 20; // Free is the same free(y); ``` --- # Multidimensional Arrays in C - Multi-dimensional arrays can also be stack or heap allocated. - Multi-dimensional arrays are just an array of pointers. - Each pointed to array can have a different size. ``` cpp // On the stack int x[10][10]; // On the heap // Array of pointers int **y = (int**)malloc(10 * sizeof(int*)); // Each array could be of different size for (size_t n = 0; n < 10; ++n) y[n] = (int*)malloc(10 * sizeof(int)); // Have to free each array for (size_t n = 0; n < 10; ++n) free(y[n]); free(y); ``` --- # Copying and Pointing - The main reason we have pointers in C is to allow data to be sent around without copying. - For large data objects this is a real problem. - Create object of 1MB size. - Call function with object -- 1MB copy. - Pointers overcome this problem nicely -- a pointer is 4 or 8 bytes (32-bit or 64-bit). - Pointers also enable data reuse, referencing, and better use of the heap. --- # Working with Memory in C++ --- # C++ Memory Management - C++ memory management is a bit easier. - We don't need to know sizes, cast types, or even initialise separately. - Two keywords: - `new` : allocates memory on the heap. - `delete` : frees allocated memory. ```cpp // Allocate a single value int *x = new int; // Allocate a single value and initialise int *y = new int(5); // Allocate an array int *z = new int[200]; // Free a value delete x; delete y; // Free an array delete[] z; ``` --- # Copying and Referencing - C++ adds a reference type. - References are like pointers, but have some restrictions. - Effectively, we can pass-by-reference instead of pointer. - This means we avoid a copy again -- reference is 4 or 8 bytes ```cpp // A value int x = 5; // A pointer int *y; // Getting the address of a value y = &x; // A reference // Must reference a value int &z = x; // References don't have to be // dereferenced *y = 20; z = 20; ``` --- # Construction and Destruction - Memory allocation and deallocation in C++ calls constructors and destructors. - Knowing when and what can be important. - There are a lot of background functions called in C++ you have to be aware of. ```cpp my_data do_work(my_data d) { // Constructor called for x my_data x; // ... // Move constructor called for x return x; } // Destructor called for d and x int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Constructor called for y my_data y; // Copy constructor called on y // Move assignment operator called on return value // Deconstructor called on return value my_data z = do_work(y); return 0; } // Destructor called on y and z ``` --- # Arrays in C++ - C++ arrays are similar to C ones. - There are also other options in C++ though. - `array` type is statically sized, but acts more like a Java/C\# array. - `vector` is dynamically sized (like an array list). - Actually the best option in most cases. Data is automatically resized and on the heap. ```cpp // Allocate stack array int x[100]; // Allocate heap array int y[] = new int[100]; int *z = new int[100]; // Use new array type array<int, 100> a; // vector is dynamically sized // Can set initial size vector
v(100); ``` --- # Multidimensional Arrays in C++ - Basically the same as in C, but can use other array types as well. ```cpp int x[10][10]; array<array<int, 10>, 10> y; vector<vector
> z(10); for (size_t n = 0; n < 10; ++n) z[n] = vector
(10); ``` --- # Smart Pointers - Due to the pattern of allocation, deallocation, and keeping track of resources many programmers created in-house solutions to these problems. - This led to many implementations of self-managing pointers -- "smart pointer" -- that would do the work for the programmer. - The most popular implementation was seen in the Boost C++ libraries -- Boost is known as the missing C++ API. - Eventually smart pointers were standardised and added to the C++11 standard. - It is now recommended you use smart pointers and not old (raw) pointers as standard. --- # `shared_ptr` - The most common smart pointer is `shared_ptr`. - This pointer counts the references to the resource. - This is done by copy construction, destruction, etc. - It is the closest to the Java and C\# reference type. ```cpp // Make shared_ptr shared_ptr
ptr = make_shared
(5); // Can derefence as normal int n = *ptr; // Can get raw pointer - no counting int *x = ptr.get(); // Counter increased by one in call do_work(ptr); // End of call, counter decreased by one // Set pointer to nullptr; counter decreased by one ptr = nullptr; // Allocated resource now freed ``` --- # `unique_ptr` - `unique_ptr` ensures there is only one owner. - You cannot copy the pointer, only move it. - It is faster than `shared_ptr` and you should try and use it as much as possible. ```cpp // Make unique_ptr unique_ptr
ptr = make_unique
(5); // Can derefence as normal int n = *ptr; // Can get raw pointer - no counting int *x = ptr.get(); // Have to move data into function do_work(move(ptr)); // If do_work does not do anything to // store data will be freed. // ptr is nullptr automatically on move ``` --- # Assignment, Copying, and Moving - We've hinted at a number of different concepts through this discussion. - Assignment is whenever you use the `=` to set an object variable. - Copying is when we create a new object from an existing one. - Moving is like copying, but we move the already allocated resources to the new object. The original becomes empty. - This is an important concept to understand in general in C++. - If you want to work at the lowest level of C++ you really need to recognise these behaviours for optimisation purposes. --- # Memory in Games --- # RAII - Resource Allocation is Initialisation. - Always give ownership to an allocated resource to an object. - As long as each resource has one explicit owner, when the owner is removed the resource is freed. - So... - **Do not** give an entity a resource such as a loaded texture or audio clip. - **Do** give an entity a pointer or reference to such a resource. - Keep track of resources via central pools (we will look at a resource manager soon). - Try to allocate those resources when the object is created (we will discuss this soon). --- # Data Sharing - Although referencing is efficient to reduce memory usage, it can be more expensive for memory access. - The memory adjacency problem. - It is common to copy data between different contexts to improve efficiency. - For example having position data in the entity and the physics object. ```cpp struct world_position { vec3 position; quat rotation; }; struct physics { vec3 position; quat rotation; vec3 velocity; quat rotation_velocity; }; Update(){ trans.position = phys.position; trans.rotation = phys.rotation; ``` --- # Resource Management for Games --- # Game Resource Management - Games use a lot of resources. - Textures can be 100s of MB. - 3D model data can be 10s of MB. - Sound assets can be 100s of MB. - We need to avoid loading and unloading these assets all the time. - We also need to ensure that we only load the assets that are necessary. - To do this we will use a resource manager. --- # Resource Manager - So we need a resource manager in our game. - Its job: - Hide the details of how to load a specific resource. - e.g. we just load -- we don't need to know the individual calls to load a texture. - Manage allocation and deallocation of resources. - data-driven design. - Provide a single point to manage all of this. - manager pattern; maybe singleton. - So we just apply our design pattern thinking to the problem. --- # Basic Operations - Our game resource manager needs only a few different operations: - `initialise` : as most of our game engine components will likely have. - `load_resource` : loads or retrieves an already loaded resource. - `unload_resource` : unloads a loaded resource. - `clear_all` : unloads all loaded resources. - That is all. - Depending on your approach: - You can have a singleton with typed loads, unloads, and storage - You can have a different resource manager for each type. - Either approach uses basically the same memory. --- # Storing Resources - We use lookup tables to store resources. - We need some kind of key -- AAA games will do something fancy. If you've used console commands you have seen this. - The key is just matched to the actual resource. - We check that the resource isn't loaded before trying to return it. ```cpp unordered_map<string, texture> textures; texture load_resource(const std::string &file){ if (textures.find(string) != textures.end()){ return textures.find(string).second(); }else{ // Don't care how this works texture t = load_texture(file); textures[file] = t; return t; } } ``` **ALWAYS LOAD YOUR ASSETS AT THE START OF THE GAME/LEVEL! -- DO NOT DO IT DURING A FRAME!** --- # Switching Levels - A resource manager also allows you to manage loading and unloading between levels. - It works also for the other management components. - When switching levels: - Unload entities. - Unload physics resources. - Unload assets. - Load new assets. - Set up new physics. - Create new entities. - You do get better systems but the basic premise is the same. --- # Summary --- # Summary - We've covered a lot of ideas today. - We looked at how memory works in general. - We looked at how memory is used in C. - We looked at how memory is used in C++. - The key take away is how we apply this to manage game resources. - You should be able to understand the basic premise of a resource manager, why we need it, and how it operates.